

Page history last edited by Howie Good 16 years, 2 months ago

This site,  much like pressinamerica.blogspot.com/, is a collaborative space for JRN 464, The Press in America. Students will be adding content to the site as a final project. The class will be divided into five groups of four students. Each student must contribute an original entry or page of 500 words. Each student must also edit the pages of the other members of his or her group for clarity, accuracy, comprehensiveness, grammar, and spelling. For purposes of grading, each entry is worth a maximum of 25 points. Students will receive a grade both for their individual work (25 points) and their group's work (100 points).

Students may earn supplemental points by adding annotated photos, annotated videos, or annotated links to pages written by you or your group members. Each additional contribution is worth a maximum of 5 points.


A list of potential topics for the essays can be found by clicking on Upload/view files in the upper right hand corner of this page. A link titled "Wiki Topics" will appear. Click on that to access the list.


Please use the following criteria (derived, with thanks, from Dr. Kevin Gaugler of Marist College) when writing a page:

  1. Essays should be original work written in your own words. Be sure to include references that indicate where you obtained information. Failure to do so could be interpreted as a form of plagiarism. Any work that is presented as your own and is not will result in an F for the course.
  2. All entries must cite at least three works -- books, journal articles, reputable Web sites -- as sources of information.
  3. Essays should be on topics that you feel one needs to know regarding the press in America: its history, traditions, leaders, challenges, and so on. This is an opportunity for the class, as a team, to develop an online textbook.
  4. Be sure to tag your pages with keywords that will make it easier for others to find your information.
  5. Be mindful of your privacy and do not include any personal information


Please use the following criteria when editing someone else's page:

  1. You may change any grammar, spelling, or content in an essay. You may also add to any essay to make it  more complete or accurate.
  2. All changes are logged by the system. However, be sure to keep a copy of your original essay since once you submit your work it may be edited by anyone in the class.


Questions? Click here to get help.

Comments (18)

James said

at 3:50 pm on Sep 15, 2009

I have read the terms of this project and I understand them.

My favorite of the entries is the one on Thomas Nast because it's informative and also probably the most visually-appealing article here. I also like the inclusion of the slide show.

muelle69@newpaltz.edu said

at 4:03 pm on Sep 15, 2009

I have read and I understand the terms of the project.

I really like the entry on Mc Clure's Magazine. I like the use of the visuals that help tie in with the content of the article.

Tiffany said

at 10:40 am on Sep 16, 2009

I have read and understand the terms of the project.

I like the entry on Dorothy Dix because she was one of the first women journalists and gave a voice to women when they didn't really have one. She was doing something unique at the time, and she and her handful of counterparts paved the way for future female journalists.

mschaefer59@newpaltz.edu said

at 4:49 pm on Sep 16, 2009

I have read the terms of the project and I understand and agree to them.

I felt that one of the best entries on the site was the entry on Areopagitica. Not only does it give a good overview of the subject, it also uses modern day examples of censorship (and humor) to relate it to today.

George Selby said

at 7:36 pm on Sep 16, 2009

I have read and understand the terms of the project.

I especially appreciated the Areopagitica page as i was interested in it in class. I like having examples of how our government has archaic rules.

Chris Valdez said

at 11:01 pm on Sep 16, 2009

I have read and understand the terms of the project.

Rachel Williams said

at 12:39 am on Sep 17, 2009

I have read and understand the terms of the project. I enjoyed the pages about Upton Sinclair and also the Woodstein/Watergate page.

Brandon Quinn said

at 10:10 am on Sep 17, 2009

I have read the terms of the project and for the most part understand it. I have a few questions that I'll ask you after class. No link came up that said Wiki Topics when i clicked upload files but you e-mailed us a list with the same name so out of those people on the list, Hunter S. Thompson is by far the most interesting of the choices. If I had a choice I would write my essay on him and his antics/adventures.

urbans13@newpaltz.edu said

at 1:02 pm on Sep 17, 2009

I have read and understood the terms of the project.

I think my favorite page is the Woodstein page. I think it is very informative, but I especially like the visuals that are incorporated. There are pictures as well as a video to give even more information. I think the pictures are necessary to break up large blocks of text that can be overwhelming.

kgenovese73@newpaltz.edu said

at 3:47 pm on Sep 17, 2009

I have read and understand the terms of this project.

I liked the page tabloid journalism, under phases of journalism. It's just a topic that interests me.

Maria said

at 5:31 pm on Sep 17, 2009

I have read and understand the terms of this project. I like the WoodStein page. It is immediately informative and interesting. The video really secures what the page is trying to say.

Liz Cross said

at 5:42 pm on Sep 17, 2009

I did read and understand the terms of the project.

I think my favorite page was the Women in Journalism page. I feel like there's not enough talk about the role that women play in journalism, so I enjoyed reading about that.

Howie Good said

at 6:35 pm on Sep 17, 2009

i talked about women in journalism a lot in class today -- interestingly, too, i think.

marcylynn said

at 11:56 am on Sep 19, 2009

The project seems really interesting. I read and understand the terms.

We are using pbwikis for the little rebellion and I was having some problem with it, but I think
I understand them better now.

Kelsey said

at 12:50 am on Sep 21, 2009

I have read and understand the requirements of the project.

After looking through the pages, I would have to say that the Thomas Nast page is still my favorite. It was very well written and included appropriate examples with the pictures that were included.

Nicole Papantoniou said

at 1:02 am on Sep 21, 2009

I, too, have read and understand the terms of the project.

I especially liked the articles that offered in text pictures. It helped illustrate the writing and move the piece along. The piece on Citizen Journalism was my favorite. In addition to the format, the writer's voice was noticeable throughout. I appreciated this because it didn't read as bulleted as the others.

rodri645@newpaltz.edu said

at 3:44 am on Sep 21, 2009

I have read the terms of the assignment and this will be an interesting one!

I have found the tabloid journalism entry to be very interesting and I like the visuals that further explained the concept.

Howie Good said

at 12:06 am on Nov 24, 2009

i appreciate your hard work. it's going to be a great entry.

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