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Saved by Howie Good
on October 1, 2008 at 9:51:11 am

This site is your collaborative space for JRN 464, The Press in America. Students will be adding content to the site as a final project. The class will be divided into five groups of four students. Each student must contribute an orignal entry or page of 500 words. Each student must also edit the pages of the other members of his or her group for clarity, accuracy, comprehensiveness, grammar, and spelling. For purposes of grading, each entry is worth a maximum of 25 points. Students will receive a grade both for their individual work (25 points) and their group's work (100 points).


Students may earn supplemental points by adding annotated photos, annotated videos, or annotated links to pages written by you or your group members. Each additional contribution is worth a maximum of 5 points.


Please use the following criteria (derived, with thanks, from Dr. Kevin Gaugler of Marist College) when writing a page:

  1. Essays should be original work written in your own words. Be sure to include references that indicate where you obtained information. Failure to do so could be interpreted as a form of plagiarism. Any work that is presented as your own and is not will result in an F for the course.
  2. Essays should be on topics that you feel one needs to know regarding the press in America: its history, traditions, leaders, challenges, and so on. This is an opportunity for the class, as a team, to develop an online textbook.
  3. Be sure to tag your pages with keywords that will make it easier for others to find your information.
  4. Be sure to be mindful of your privacy and not include any personal information


Please use the following criteria when editing someone else's page:

  1. You may change any grammar, spelling, or content in an essay. You may also add to any essay to make it a more complete or accurate.
  2. All changes are logged by the system. However, be sure to keep a copy of your original essay since once you submit your work it may be edited by anyone in the class.
  3. Once the deadline for the 500-word essay has passed, changes made to your own work will not count toward total word changes.


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